Products Catalog
  • Eaton DBA Brake

    DBA Brakes


    Model DBA brakes are spring applied, pressure released, disc style brakes. They develop equal torque in either direction of rotation. Their torque and thermal capacities allow them to be used in the most demanding applications.

    Brake construction and operation is shown in the figure. Pressurizing the brake compresses the brake springs and withdraws the clamping plates from the brake discs. Standard brakes are furnished with either one or two discs, which are free to move axially.

    Model DBAmore

  • Eaton DBB Brake Pic.jpg

    DBB Brakes


    Model DBB brakes are spring applied, pressure released, disc style brakes. They develop equal torque in either direction of rotation. Their torque and thermal capacities allow them to be used in the most demanding applications.

    Brake construction and operation is shown in the figure. Pressurizing the brake compresses the brake springs and withdraws the clamping plates from the brake discs. Standard brakes are furnished with either one or two discs, which are free to move axially.

    Model DBBmore

  • Wichita-SSB Brake.jpg

    Wichita Spring-Set Air Release Brakes are ideal for fail safe protection of process equipment. Constructed of high strength cast iron, this improved design has thick friction discs for longer wear life. The fast acting airtube design assures quick, smooth stops.

  • Wichita-Low Inertia.jpg

    Wichita Low Inertia clutches and brakes are air applied, spring released disc style units that develop torque proportional to the air pressure applied. The units are designed to be free from effects of centrifugal force and self-energization. Low inertia start/stop parts reduce acceleration times which allows more cycles per minute as well as reducing heat generated.

    Torque – 3,160 to 17,850,000 in-lbs
    Applications – Presses, Shears, Bulk Material Handling and General Industrial Equipment

  • Coupling and Grinding Mill Clutches

    Wichita Clutch Standard Vent clutches are designed for reliable in-line power transmission. The simple air-tube design, with small air volume, speeds engagement and disengagement. It is ideally suited for large inertia loads where smooth controlled starts are needed.

  • Eaton DC Brakes Pic.jpg

    Type DC elements can be used as either pressure actuated clutches or brakes. They are available in single and multiple disc designs.

    Pressurizing the cylinder causes the piston to clamp the friction disc assemblies between clamping plates. External springs ensure positive disengagement.

    Type DC elements are available in five basic disc sizes with static torque ratings to 2,061,000 (233.000 N.m). Element sizes are indicated by the number of friction discs and by the disc diameter inmore

  • Eaton FHB Brakes Pic.jpg

    Eaton Airflex has introduced a revolutionary new design in disc brake technology called the Floating Housing Brake (FHB). The spring applied (power off), air-cooled disc brake is well suited for applications in Surface Mining, Oilfield and other heavy-duty industrial machinery designs.

    The FHB is an air cooled spring applied brake with exceptional friction life and rapid friction replacement capability. It is supplied with long wearing, organic friction material and a rugged solid cast,more

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