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Model DBB brakes are spring applied, pressure released, disc style brakes. They develop equal torque in either direction of rotation. Their torque and thermal capacities allow them to be used in the most demanding applications.

Brake construction and operation is shown in the figure. Pressurizing the brake compresses the brake springs and withdraws the clamping plates from the brake discs. Standard brakes are furnished with either one or two discs, which are free to move axially.

Model DBB uses a
Unit of Measure


N/A Low inertia friction disc assembly.
Reduces the overall inertia that must be stopped.

Optional split friction discs.
Allows removal of friction discs without disturbing other components of drive system in mid-shaft brake arrangement.

Long wearing, self lubricating PolyPak seals.
Eliminates premature twisting failure and requires no external lubrication.

Where Used


  • Bottling equipment
  • Power Shovels
  • Conveyors
  • Shears
  • Power Presses




Dimension D

15.20 in386 mm

Dimension D1

5.00 in127 mm

Dimension D31

2.45 in62 mm

Dimension D44

0.25 in6 mm

Dimension D45

1.00 in25 mm

Dimension H16

16.50 in419 mm
Dimension J1 44.498 in1135.7 mm

Dimension J1

36.375 in923.9 mm

Dimension J2

45.00 in1143 mm

Dimension O2

3/4-14 NPT

Minimum Bore

8.50 in216 mm

Maximum Bore

10.06 in256 mm

Dynamic Torque Rating

630000 lb·in71.127 Nm

Worn Torque Multiplier


Disc & Gear (Inertia)

553 lb·ft²2330 kg·m²

Disc & Gear (Weight)

583 lb264 kg

Housing (Weight)

2125 lb962 kg
Minimum Releasing Pressure2 90 psi6.2 bar

Maximum Speed

950 rpm




Spring Applied, Air Release


N/A Tolerance +0.000/-0.005 in (+0.00/-0.08 mm)
Brake in disengaged position.
Basic part number only. Does not include gear. Gear must be ordered separately with bore and keyway requirements.

  • 1 Tolerance +0.000/-0.005 in (+0.00/-0.08 mm)
  • 2 Maximum allowable cylinder pressure is 120 psi (8.3 bar).