Products Catalog
Section B
Form CB-429
The type CB element assembly is designed and built to provide dependable clutch or brake service in the most exacting industrial applications. It is suited to high speed, cyclic operations, as well as for coupling and general power transmission.
Unit of Measure


Size1 N/A 14CB400


N/A 408376


N/A 411861


N/A 406904


N/A 262 lb119 kg

Weight Mass (Element Each)

N/A 35 lb16 kg

Wk2 J (Element Each)

N/A 21 lb·ft²0.88 kg·m²

Weight Mass (Spider)

N/A 50 lb23 kg

Wk2 J (Spider)

N/A 11.2 lb·ft²0.47 kg·m²

Weight Mass (Drum)

N/A 83 lb38 kg

Wk2 J (Drum)

N/A 24 lb·ft²1.01 kg·m²

Weight Mass (Hub)

N/A 54 lb25 kg

Wk2 J (Hub)

N/A 3.2 lb·ft²0.13 kg·m²

Torque Rating (75 psi/5.5 bar)

N/A 19700 lb·in2230 Nm

Rotorseal Size

N/A B2

Minimum Bore Size

N/A 2.00 in51 mm

Maximum Bore Size

N/A 3.56 in90 mm

Dimension D

N/A 529 mm20.84 in

Dimension D1

N/A 4.34 in110 mm

Dimension D7

N/A 127 mm5.00 in

Dimension D24

N/A 2.00 in51 mm

Dimension D37

N/A 3.40 in86 mm

Dimension D38

N/A 6.70 in170 mm

Dimension D45

N/A 4.562 in115.9 mm

Dimension H2

N/A 20.00 in508 mm

Dimension X

N/A 11.50 in292 mm


N/A Eaton-Airflex


N/A Air Applied


N/A Element sizes 12 and 14 have two inlets. All other sizes have four air inlets.

American National Standard for Unified Screw Threads. Bolts and lockwashers furnished with clutch.

Dynamic torque shown, static torque approximately 25% greater. Torque in each application is dependent upon air pressure and speed.

  • 1 Based upon minimum bores.